
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dive in Deep

“Mommy, I DON’T wanna go to swim lessons!”

Emphasize EVERY single word in a stubborn voice, throw in some feet stomping, a frown, a couple of fist shakes…what do you get?  My strong-willed and stubborn (but adorable) four-year old, Cooper.  That was the battle cry every day last week. 

Now I know I’m not the only mother dealing with this, especially with summer almost behind us and too much time together on our hands.  And if not “go to swim lessons”, insert “take a bath”, “go to nap”, or “be nice to my sister."  This from the boy who during his bath tonight told me he’d like me to sell his sister on Craig’s List!  (Hmmmm…. I wonder where he’s heard that one before?)

The other day I tried something new.  Instead of my usual “Swim lessons are fun!!!!” and “You love swim lessons!!!” I kneeled next to him and calmly told him he didn’t have to like swim lessons at all.   I told him that mommy doesn’t like doing a lot of things, but I do them anyway because they keep us healthy and safe.  I told him I don’t always feel like working out but, even when I don’t feel like it, I do it anyway so I can stay strong and healthy to take care of him and play with him.

I reminded him of the two times this summer that he almost drowned at the pool.  Even when he doesn’t feel like it, we WILL go to swim lessons anyway so he can learn to swim and stay safe.

We made it there on time.  Temper tantrum-0.  CC-1.  

He’s now jumping off the diving board into that deep pool.  I’m still in awe that I got it right for once.

Isn’t this how we feel about our spiritual walk sometimes?  Loved one, I don’t know where you are in your walk today.  Maybe you're curious, exploring, or don’t really know if this God/Jesus/Holy Spirit thing is really for you or not.  Stick with us.  Maybe through our stories, you’ll seek more, which may lead you to exactly where you need to be.  Maybe you’re a believer in Christ, but you’re just getting started on your walk.  Or maybe you’ve been a follower of Jesus Christ for a while.

In any case, I think it’s safe to say we’ve all been there. 

Exchange “I don’t wanna go swimming” with “I don’t feel like going deeper with God today."  Maybe we don’t have time, maybe we don’t know where to start, or maybe we’re plain scared of where God will take us.

As I was writing this afternoon, my friend Erin called.  She recently started diving deeper in her relationship with God.  She’s been spending time with Him, learning about his character, and falling in love with Him more and more.  She says that she used to feel like she was swimming in a vast ocean, skimming the surface.  But today, she’s diving in deeper, and the deeper she goes, the closer she is to the treasure. Treasure that’s been there all along.

Dive in with us.  Dive in like Cooper did, feet first, having trust and faith that all would be okay.  Dive in deep like Erin’s doing now, growing and changing and becoming exactly who she was designed to be. 

Love, C.
Erin's journal entry
"I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God.  Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God's great mystery.  All the richest TREASURE of wisdom and knowledge are embedded in that mystery and nowhere else" Colossians 2:2-4 (MSG)

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